Sunday 2 November 2008

Blog in need of some urgent TLC!!!!!

I have had friends making comments to me on my lack of answer is, that I have discovered the new world of Facebook and started a university degree. So for the last few months I have not given the blog a second thought. I have decided to keep this blog going, only it will change a little. I am going to write more about my life and this journey through study. I must say, since the last time I was in here posting my views of the world have change somewhat...amazing that it can happen in the space of a few months. My world of thoughts are changing daily and evolving at a mad pace.

The girls are all doing well, Sophie and Jess are reading well, and enjoying school. Maisie is her usual self, although, some attitude has developed of late. My husband calls her 'gorgeous', and has done for some time, only now little Miss 2 with all the attitude insists that her name is 'gorgeous' and we all call her that!!!!! Poppy is into everything, and has started to take her first little steps.

Life is good, and we are all healthy.

I will sign off with a quote I found last night, whilst I was studying. It kind of sums me up perfectly at the moment. I can relate to it with writing my essays and avoiding the day to day things I do around here.

"The writer wandered to the water cooler, washed his hands, looked up the weather report, made some unnecessary phone calls, looked at his tongue in the mirror for symptoms of fatal disease and, when he had at last exhausted methods of killing time, went to his typewriter."
Russell Baker

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