Wednesday 26 November 2008

Study, stress and a little plug!

Before I word for the day is 'temporary'...I shall come back and explain that some day soon ;)

Things sure are busy around here in the lead up to Christmas. We have parties and concerts to attend in the coming weeks, which will be fun. And hopefully Poppy will get the all clear for her hips. We have an appointment at Westmead mid December, we haven't worked out if we will take a break from then until Christmas...N is unsure with work at this point :) I will be happy if I get my few days 'away' from the kids...we plan to use our SCG membership and spend some time in Sydney alone. I want to go shopping, swim down at Bondi, eat out and drink lots of wine! And maybe watch a little cricket (or read a book).

It certainly has been a great year for us, but extremely busy. I have been reflecting on it a lot in the last week, whilst I drive the car, or sit here procrastinating :) In summary I am so happy right now!


I am in the process of preparing for an exam to be held next Friday..I have no idea if I'm doing enough. This unit sure has been a great learning experience, the essays and weekly work all seemed to flow. I love to write, so even though my essay topics were bland and boning I still enjoyed the process. The exam is another thing, I think it will take a few goes at it before I start to feel comfortable with the process. My office is currently a mass of papers, coffee cups, large pieces of cardboard sheets with my crazy mind maps outlining the unit week by week (I have a strange way of doing things). I am one to thrive on stress, but this stress is different! Anyway, by next Friday I will have entered the unknown zone and will be able to report back ;) Did I mention that my next unit starts next week too LOL.....

Business has been busy, it was this time last year leading up to Christmas. There is always more that I would like to have done, but then again there is always next year. I am finding a new motivation for it all as we are having a back end is needed and I am looking forward to seeing the results.

I want to finish off this boring post with a plug for my friend Tea!!!

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