Friday 23 February 2007

I am so sorry for lack of posts..........

I am very sorry to all my devoted blog readers. I have been very unwell these past few weeks. Self inflicted I might add. I am around 9 weeks pregnant with very bad morning day and night sickness combined with a couple of urinary tract infections. I am one of these very unlucky ones.........

Thankfully my beautiful mum is coming down tomorrow and will be taking the girls and I up to stay with her and my dad for the week. I did the exact same thing when I was pregnant with Maisie.

On a good note our site is up and running. The amazing Tea has come up with something very special. Nick and I are so happy. I am so glad we crossed paths..... But that is another story......

I will be back very soon with some great updates on our 3 beautiful girls.................

Thursday 1 February 2007

Don't worry about the croup! Look at the swollen cheeks....

Last night was rather eventful in our house in downtown Canberra. Maisie has had a little cough for a couple of days, just when she wakes in the morning. Once she's up it clears. She has had no temps and no other symptoms. I put her to bed last night and as usual she made no fuss. At around 3am she woke and was rather distressed. I went straight into her room to find her struggling for breath.

It took her straight up to the hospital. A young Irish Dr came and saw us immediately. His first words were 'OMG her cheeks are very swollen. Are they normally this big?'. He was really concerned. I said 'Yes they are. This is very normal. Big cheeks run in the family'. Ha ha. Don't worry anything else just the enormous cheeks. Like her elder sister Jess she has inherited the most beautiful squeezable cheeks. And we love them.....