Friday 12 January 2007

A Post for the Birthday Girl Suzanne....

I have been really busy and slack at the same time for about two weeks now. I received a lovely PM from a friend on EB Suzanne (Duimelot). I met Suzanne hanging out in my favourite section 'Product Reviews'. We seem to have the same taste in things like 'Oilily' clothing and accessories and 'Bugaboo' prams rofl. I am a total Oilily tragic. Nick can back me up on that one. I just love anything Oilily. I love the colours and quirkiness. All of my EB friends know that I like to hang out in the product review section too *blush*. And they know of you too Suzanne.

Anyway my point of this post is to let Suzanne and for anyone else who is interested have and update on what Maisie (otherwise known as the slug) is up to. Suzanne's daughter Luna is the same age as Maisie. She was due on the 25 March 2006 and I was due on the 26 March 2006.

Maisie is going through this separation anxiety thing at the moment. If I dare leave a room she gets very annoyed and follows me crying. This is making things around here hard and draining as you can imagine. I know it's just a little phase and I love her to bits. My Bear Hug Baby sling is coming in very handy. I have mastered the art of vacuuming and watering the garden all while Maisie happily sits in the sling on my hip. I have also converted the Bug so she is facing us (gotta love that feature)

Maisie started crawling around November. She is so fast now and is into everything. The twins never ventured much but Maisie is a different story. She has been cruising around the furniture for a couple of months and is very strong with pulling herself up.

She says mum, dad and bub. And I think said 'bye' the other day to Nick. She has mastered the art of clapping and waving.

Nick had 2 weeks off over Christmas and really bonded with her. At 8am each morning her would pop her in the pram and take her down to the city for a coffee or to pick something up from the shops. She adores him. When ever he enters a room she lights up and throws her arms around.

That's another thing she is doing. When she gets into trouble she waves both her arms up and down. Very funny. She thinks it's a game lol.

She still dribbles heaps. I think if we collected all her dribble she could break the drought. Hence why she has the nickname 'slug'. She leaves a slug trail where ever she goes.

Like Luna she is a very easy baby. Nick and I are forever saying that. She goes with us where ever we go and never complains.

That is all I can think of at the moment.

I hope you had a great birthday. It was my 30th in November last year and I kept it very low key. I hate getting old. I was in denial all day.

Here is a link I thought you might like for your enjoyment and everyone else (thank you Amanda)

Love Belinda

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