Sunday 20 July 2008

Blurgh week.....

The title says it all!!!! Boo hoo.......

Last weekend the boys went home and my parents arrived for 1 night. I wish they would stay longer and visit us more often, but they are these funny old home bodies. The reason for their visit was to attend my best friends party. She recently announced her engagement to a wonderful guy, and after many years of hard work passed her PHD (psychology) YAY. We are also proud of her legend brother who recently arrived home from riding a bike across Africa. C is an amazing guy, I was happy to spend some time at the party having a chat about it all.

The rest of the week has been a little yuk, it started last Monday when Poppy woke with puffy eyes. This developed into conjunctivitis the following day, Maisie also woke with it on the Tuesday. Which meant no CC for her all week. I think by Friday I was tearing my hair out a little as they were all at each other fighting, I also woke with dreaded weepings eyes.
Then today poor Sophie woke with it and was unable to attend her cousins birthday :(.....The girls start back at school this week, but I think they will both be home at some point (Sophie tomorrow).

On a positive note I am in the process of making Jess a puppet theatre. She was wanting to use Sophie's all the time and of course Sophie was wanting to use it too. Nick bought some shoes last week so we had the box sitting there wanting to be used. I have a very good collection of vintage and newer fabrics, which I have used! Once completed I will take some pictures and do a proper post, I think it's worthy of that.

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