Friday 9 May 2008

The Little Lady Sits!

As most of you know, Poppy is a little delayed in her development due to being in the brace all those months. She has finally started to put weight on her legs and will stand holding my hands and today I sat her down and she actually sat for a little while, enough time for me to quickly snap some pics between her flopping over. I will have keep practising this with her.

We made the most of this magnificent Canberra day and spent some time in the backyard this morning before lunch. Maisie would stay out there all day if I let her! I am going to start pestering Nick again to look at some out door play things for them, like a trampoline. We have a set of swings but they are currently at his sister's place.

I also want to mention the gorgeous longies both girls are wearing. They were sent up from my good friend Ziz in Melbourne. You are too kind and a very special friend indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos Bel - and I think the longies look beautiful on the girls too! Z