Friday 28 March 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Maisie

On Tuesday the 25th March Maisie turned 2. I can't believe how fast these last two years have gone :) We got off to a rough start with her not sleeping so well, but she settled down eventually and was a very easy baby. She is a real character who warms the hearts of everyone she meets. She is the type of child who will give little old ladies big grins and laps up the attention that follows. She is adored by her carers at CC and has obtained the nickname 'Cabbage Patch Doll'. She is affectionately referred to as 'George' by her dad and sisters.

To me she is 'Maisie' and 'Margaret' when she's in trouble, which is not too often. She has a love for the outdoors and is pretty much on the go from when she arises around 7am till she crashes around 7pm.

She has developed her own little language and chatters away all day throwing a few words we understand in here and there. In saying that she is starting to really develop her language skills. Her older sisters are learning to read and write and she has started to pick up some of the sight words. I have great confidence that she will read with ease before she starts school. She has shown us to be a very bright intelligent girl. I think she gets this strength from her intelligent dad. She walked up to me yesterday with a pancake in her hand and handed it to me saying very clearly 'I don't like this mum'.

We took some pictures on her birthday with her yellow teddy cake but unfortunately they didn't work, so I took her outside today and took some pictures of her playing. There were so many good ones and I have selected a couple to share.

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