I am so sorry that this blog has not been updated in ages, I have been caught up with things like Christmas, business and squeezing family life into that. So much has happened since I last posted that I don't think it would be worth going into any great details, most people who read this blog know what our crazy lives have been like LOL.
Anyway I thought I would fill everyone in on a rather important issue we have been dealing with. When Poppy was born the paediatrician picked up 'Clicky' hips, I didn't think of it as anything too serious because he said he would be more concerned if they were 'clunky'. We have a family history of hip dysplasia so he took it serious enough to refer he for a scan when she was 6 weeks. My sister was born with very badly dislocated hips and worn a brace for 12 months, she has always had problems with her hips and walks a little awkward (sorry Tanya). She has recently seen a specialist and has been told she will need a hip replacement. My mum's sisters first born Joel also had hip dysplasia. From what I have been told he had a couple of operations and wore a brace and plaster for a long time. His treatment was in the 80s and my sister's was in the 70s. So with all of this under my belt I still didn't think Poppy was too bad, I mean who does with their own child.
So off we went to the scan on a Saturday morning, I really thought they would say it was fine and have a nice life, so I was taken back when the Dr doing the scan told me her left hip was abnormal and she would need to wear a brace for 6 - 8 weeks. The right hip was borderline! So off we went to the paediatrician appointment and I was still positive it was not too bad, the paediatrician was positive too. Once we had finsished we went down to the physio in the same hospital and had a brace fitted.
It took some adjustments and unsettled times for the both of us to get used to it. Wearing the brace means no baths and fortnightly visits to our wonderful physio Julie for adjustments. She is a kind lady who takes the time to give Poppy a little massage at each visit and she even let me give her a bath at our last visit. When Poppy went into the brace she was still a newborn so I just couldn't stop staring at her long legs when she was out of it. During this time I joined an online buddy group for parents with Hip Kids and found their support great, I really thought my time would be short with them so I didn't read past stories in too much detail. I really haven't looked beyond the 8 weeks because I really thought she would be out of it.
Christmas was a nice time with my family staying up at my parents on the Central Coast of NSW. The weather was hot and she was uncomfortable at times. I would spend time with her at the window overlooking my parents pool watching all the other kids swim, wishing I could take her in. I am not one to get in a pool much these days but I would have done anything at that time to get in with her. I didn't dwell on things, I have always remained positive and knew it was only a short time before it would come off. I was counting down the days to her scan.
I must admit yesterday I was a little nervous and excited all day leading up to it. I had visions in my head of getting the all clear and heading off to the paediatrician on Friday to have the brace removed. I had planned to have the most wonderful shower with her when we got home and just have big long cuddle. I was REALLY looking forward to getting her cute bottom back in cloth nappies. I was looking forward to being able to sit her on my lap to burp her and get her standing with support from me under her arms. I was also looking forward to her rolling as a lot of other babies her age are doing.
Off we went and the lady doing the scan was just lovely. She did the right hip pretty quick and then spent some time on the left. She left the room to see the Dr and they took ages. I had to feed Poppy as she was becoming restless and crying.When they returned the Dr scanned again and I looked. I knew it was bad news, he said the left hip looked 'abnormal'. He was unable to give me much more detail than that because he didn't have the last scan to compare it to and he would do that when he was preparing the report for our paediatrician. The hip was not ready to come out of the brace. I was a little shocked and feel stupid for not preparing for this, given our family history I should have known better.
We see the paediatrician tomorrow and I have booked a physio appointment in the morning to have the brace adjusted again. From what she said at our last visit we will now be referred to an orthopaedic surgeon for further treatment. From our previous conversations in the first instance the specialist will leave the brace on for a few more weeks to see if it makes any difference. As for beyond that the reality is surgery. Perhaps I shouldn't have read as much as I did last night, but I did because I felt so silly for not getting real about this situation we are in. Yes I know she will get better and there are so many babies and children worse off with conditions that are not even treatable.
So for that I am thankful and still remaining positive!
Here are some pictures of our gorgeous girl.
Ciao Bella,
Yes she certainly is one gorgeous girl! Those pics are great - I particularly like the one of her in the dress...too cute :)
And, you are so not being silly at all. Of course you went in feeling positive and thinking everything will be fine - that's natural. It sounds like she is getting excellent treatment (in addition to excellent treatment at home!) and that is very important. Keep us posted.
Thinking of you all and happy to hear you all had a good Christmas! I have gifts for the girls so we will have to catch up. Still living in my cocoon, which is bringing me down and I pulled my back over Xmas and spent three days in bed! feel like an old woman. Sigh...
Mands xx
she is utterly beautiful, you are very lucky. I liked reading about your experience with the brace. my little girl is getting fitted with a corrective helmet this week and i'm feeling bummed about it...it's good to read some positive words about that type of thing
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