I have always been very close to my dear nanny (Sarah). She was a wonderful magical grandmother who I have very early memories of my beautiful connection with her.
I remember lying on her couch with my head in her lap with her soft warm hands gently rubbing my head. I really loved those quiet special moments we shared, I often find myself doing this to my little girls as it made me feel so special.
She took me to my first movie which was ET. Actually she took a few of us (grandchildren), I remember asking her time and time again 'When will it start' as the ads seem to take forever. She never once raised her voice or got cranky with any of us. She had a unique ability to show kindness to all humans and animals, including her 2 dogs Casper and Cesar, I remember she used to put knitted jumpers on them in winter, one of the dogs was very large LOL.
She was such a gentle patient person who warmed many hearts. One of them was my grandfather Francis who passed away when my mum was only 14. He was terminally ill when he met my grandmother, she had planned to become a nun (as she was brought up by nuns). They fell in love despite the reality of his future. She told me that he said 'Sarah I never want you to be lonely when I die, so we should have as many children as we can'. They had 6 living children and lost 2 sets of twins.
My grandmother was always surrounded by children so they got their wish. She never had much money but always made the most of her homes. I was very sad when she moved from Canberra to Brisbane. Her little 1 bedroom government unit in Brisbane was beautiful and she looked after it with pride. She enjoyed simple things like having her hair permed for special occasions, and the small collection of what she considered 'very good' dresses. She always looked lovely and made the most of her simple belongings. Not ever did any of us hear her complain. Sometimes I get caught up in getting ahead and thinking about money too much :( When I think about my grandmother and how she lived life quickly brings me back down to earth, it reminds me of what I really stand for and who I am. It's people in my life like nanny who have contributed to the person I am today.
She loved life but looked forward to joining her beloved soul mate Francis, she certainly wasn't afraid of death. Well that day has come, in the early hours of this morning I dreamt about her, my girls and I were visiting her in hospital. It was a dream in slow motion because I woke a few times between.
The phone rang at 630am; I knew the news as my husband answered the phone.
Today is the most stunning Canberra day :) I couldn't help but take some pictures this morning before I dropped Sophie and Jess at school. I clearly remember the weather on the days I gave birth to my girls, I was lucky that all three days were the most stunning days imaginable, today is just the same, perfect for my nanny to grow her wings and fly free......I think the hot air balloon and aeroplane smoke is just perfect.
Rest In Peace dear nanny, and enjoy that dance with Francis........
ETA - Thank you to dear Nikki from EB who has helped me through this in the last week. I will never forget your kindness.