It has been a long 6 months for our girl Maisie. She has been pretty sick all winter. In the last week I have taken her off all her medications and a new girl has emerged. It's hard to put into words how she has changed. She just seems much happier and not as highly strung as she was when on it. She is not getting as upset and is getting better at playing on her own.
She has been so cheerful and happy. She waddles around the house like a playful baby bear. She is learning new words every day. She enjoys reading books and drawing pictures. She is cheeky and very intelligent. She has always been happy to go down for an afternoon nap and happily goes to bed at night. She really gives us no trouble at all. In the past week we have really noticed all these beautiful qualities that have always been there just more so lately.
Nick and I have been discussing her behavioural changes in the last week at great lengths and we have decided to do everything we can to keep her off medication. Today we are having our weekly shopping delivered. Nick ordered it online and it's all organic. I have been hearing so many stories lately of how much better our health can be by going organic. My sister is in the health field and has been organic for some time now. When she stayed here we were impressed by the meals she made.